Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert β€” Book Review

Title: Eat, Pray, Love By Elizabeth Gilbert
Language: English
Genre: Spiritual Memoir
Pages: 352
Rating: 5/5 πŸ’—


The Bhagavad Gita, ancient Indian Yogic text--says that it is better to live your own destiny imperfectly than to live an imitation of somebody else's life with perfection.

Some days are meant to be counted, others are meant to be weighed.
The title of the book three words correspond to the book's three sections. The author takes a solo journey of self-reflection after a nasty divorce. The journey thoroughly explores one aspect of herself set against the backdrop of each country, in a place that has traditionally done well. Explore the art of pleasure - living to the fullest, eating & mere being alive in any way possible in Italy, the art of devotion - living spiritually, disciplined & dedicated in India and, in Indonesia, the art of balancing the two aspects of life pleasure & spirituality. Gilbert lived consecutively in three different countries – Italy, India and Indonesia. It is a memoir, a journey taken on the quest to find herself & how the journey unfolds.

My Thoughts :

Gilbert's writing offers a comic cult of writing. It feels like we are reading the mind of a witty woman experiencing her life as one reads. Re-reading this book is my guilty pleasure. I always turn towards this book out of the mere joy of enjoying the travel essay, to re-visit these locations once again closely or to seek comfort and flavour of life or the act of balancing. There is always something new the book has to offer. It is an intensively candid & eloquent touching anyone who has ever woken up to the unwavering need for change in their lives. If you find any of these aspects interesting, go for it!

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